60 Minute or 90 Minute

If you have ever wondered which session is the best choice for you, here are a few things to consider:                                                                                                                              - Do you have any places you would like to focus on and also want a full body massage?        Whether you woke up with a new kink/ache or you've had an issue for a week, a month     or many  years, it takes time to work on the potential cause.                                             - Have you ever wished your therapist could just keep working on your hands or feet or         a spot you never realized needed more, and then they move on in order to work on               everything within the hour?                                                                                                 - Have you ever felt like you finally began to relax and now it's over?                                   - You feel good with an hour massage but you would really feel good with another                 30 minutes on your feet!                                                                                                      These are just a few things to consider when trying to decide if 60 minutes is the right session time for you or if 90 Minutes Awe-da Be A Law!                                                  


Benefits of Reflexology

Some of the benefits of reflexology include its ability to stimulate nerve function, increases energy, boosts circulation, induces a deep state of relaxation, eliminates toxins, stimulates the central nervous system, reduces depression, and relieves pain. Many of us find ourselves on our feet all day at work. Whether you work in an office, a factory, a field, a hospital, or anything in between, there is a good chance that you put a lot of weight and stress on your feet every day. The thing is, that stress can also manifest itself in the other parts of our body. It is a similar situation to back pain. For back pain, people often get massages, so it makes sense that there should also be foot massages, right? Reflexology is much more than a foot massage, but at its foundation, that’s the easiest way to describe the process. 

Nerve Function: As our bodies age, our nerve endings become less sensitive in parts of our body, particularly in our extremities. That being said, reflexology has been connected with stimulating more than 7,000 different nerve endings in a single session, thereby increasing their function and reactivity. Opening and cleaning out neural pathways can help improve functionality and flexibility of many areas around the body. Neural pathways are like muscles, so it is good to work them once in a while to keep them sharp!

Energy Levels: By aligning the functioning of various organ and muscle systems, reflexology can increase metabolism and energy creation processes within the body. If you need a boost in energy or are always feeling sluggish, perhaps a reflexology session can help put some pep back in your step!

Relaxation: As mentioned above, reflexology has been known to open neural pathways, and this sort of free-flowing neural activity results in a more relaxed state in the body, one of reduced stress. For this reason, reflexology can flood your system with relaxation, inducing a state of calm throughout your body and mind. In this same vein, Insomnia can be a very troubling condition to suffer through, but reflexology can help your body relax and get back to its normal, healthy Circadian rhythms.

10 Benefits of Massage Therapy

  • Increase circulation
  • Stimulate the lymph system, the body's natural defense against toxic invaders
  • Release of endorphins, the body's natural painkiller
  • Improve range of motion and decrease discomfort associated with lower back pain
  • Relaxation of injured and overused muscles
  • Reduce muscle spasms and cramping
  • Increase joint flexibility
  • Help recover from strenuous workouts
  • Pain relief from migraines
  • Reduce post-operative adhesions and edema, as well as reduced scar tissue