Neuromuscular Trigger Point

Trigger points are small ‘knots’ in the muscles that when compressed create referred pain locally or to other areas of your body. For example, do you ever feel like your neck muscles create a pounding headache behind your eye, base of your skull, or anywhere in your head? Or do your shoulder muscles, when tight from sitting in front of a computer, produce numbness or pain down your arms, even into your hands? Often, the source of pain stems from other areas and is simply a trigger point waiting to be released. No amount of Advil or stretching fully releases your trigger points. Only releasing them by hand does.

What causes trigger points?

  • Stress, anxiety, and constant worry
  • Nervous tension, trauma, poor posture
  • Strenuous activity, car accidents, pregnancy
  • Sudden falls, sports injuries, running, sleeping on your stomach or side, aerobics, leaning weight on only one leg for a long period of time… and more.