Deep Tissue Massage

This type of massage therapy focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. Movement is slower, more forceful, pressure deeper and concentrated on area of tension and pain. Chronic muscle tension or injury usually indicated adhesions in muscle, tendons and ligaments that block circulation, causing pain and limit movement. Deep tissue works by physically breaking down the adhesions to relieve pain and restore natural movement.

Clients often complain after a deep tissue massage they feel nauseous. Unfortunately this is common with some people. Toxins and lactic acid gets released during massage and these need to be flushed out of your system in order for you to feel good. Clients who are dehydrated and need a lot of deep work tend to be the first ones to feel sick and/or sore after massage, which is why it is important to hydrate before, the day of and day after your massage. Don’t let this discourage you from getting another massage. This is your body’s way of letting you know that things need work.